Babies physiotherapy


Babies physiotherapy


Babies physiotherapy

Who is the Arms Like Moms?

My name is Skaistė, I am a physiotherapist and masseuse. I have been specializing in babies for 5 years and that experience of “backpack” is getting better. Working with babies is also working with parents. And this work brought me to the realization that life has given me to do something good, my mission is clear – to help families.

As mothers like to emphasize – sincerity, peace, love to work beaming in me. And I really feel it and you will feel it too 🙂

Work is a pleasure for me. I am active, curious, creative, writing something, thinking, and all of this for a new family, a new family member.

My activity


Online consultation

Anamnesis of the baby is collected during the consultation. The psychomotor development and the tone of the baby’s muscles are evaluated, parents’ questions – answers, homework for the family is presented, continuity remains – after a week we contact and discuss the results.

Duration 30 – 60 min. The online chat takes place via Whatsapp or Viber platforms.

For Babies

Physiotherapy and massage can support your baby, as they develop motor skills like reaching, tummy time, rolling, sitting, crawling and walking. I help your baby develop good movement patterns – for life.

Online Lessons

Online lessons are for your baby’s motor development. Here are some of the most important milestones in the first year in the visuals to help you improve your child’s movements.