Baby Massage

Activities can be performed when the baby is 6 weeks old.



What does baby massage mean to me? It’s a gentle touch, the performance of a hand movement, the palpation of problem areas, relaxation or toning, I sacredly believe that massage has a magical effect, especially on such a small, delicate, baby.

Massage is often associated with relaxation, tonic, improving blood circulation, reducing irritability, improving digestion and I totally agree with that, but I think massage can still do much more. Massage is a contact with the baby’s skin, muscular fascia, body areas, certain movements, its performance can adjust not only the baby’s muscle tone, but also the abilities, the baby’s psychomotor skills. I can feel and notice the tension in the areas of the baby’s body, we can in two ways – visually, from the position of the body or the movements of the limbs and by touch, I can feel the tension under the skin. The onset of tension or a decrease in muscle tone can be influenced by the mother’s birth, irregular wearing, additional measures, etc. Therefore, proper massage and knowing how to perform it helps to achieve the desired results. The massage technique helps to relax the areas of tension that prevent the child from moving normally, so as I say, massage really has a magical effect


Baby massage can last up to 30-60 minutes. It is a very individual matter, depends on how the baby reacts, adapts. Because, I work stress-free for both myself and the child – also mom and dad. We get to know each other warmly and not in a hurry, because all children are different and adapt differently to strangers and the environment.


Ask for the price in person (by FB message or by phone +37063090121)


The registration days and times can be found on my FB account.

If you want to register, but unfortunately you live abroad or you don’t have the possibility to visit me, don’t worry I have thought about you!

I have three options for you: