Every future mother is wondering how does her growing baby look like while being in the womb. After my brief descriptions, it will be possible to observe your baby’s growth and development peculiarities.
I’ll describe it briefly and show how baby is living where it’s warm – inside you. 🙂

1 month (1-4 weeks)

First month of pregnancy

After fertilization, the embryo is still directly linked to the mother’s bloodstream and is already starting to form a placenta that connects the embryo and mother’s blood. Placenta is in the wall of the uterus – the same place where the germ is attached. The umbilical cord hangs near the center of the placenta.

“By the first month of pregnancy your fetus is about the size of a grain of rice!”

Embryo face begins to form. Black large circles from and they are specified as eyes. Mouth, lower jaw, and throat, as well as blood cells, begin to develop, and begins to circulate in blood vessels.
By the first month of pregnancy your fetus is about the size of a grain of rice!

2 month (5-8 weeks)
The nerves start to develop, from which the spinal cord and the brain will develop. It is still primitive, and sometimes it pulsates. Placenta and umbilical cord provide all the necessary nutrients.
Your baby’s face and facial features continues to develop. On both sides of the head, skin derivatives and from them ears will form. Small buds are forming, and eventually they will become arms and legs.

Fetal development at 6 weeks of pregnancy

Neuronal tube (head and spinal cord and other CNS nerves) is well-formed. The organs of the digestive tract and the sensory organs begin to develop. The embryo begins to move, although the mother does not feel anything yet.

In the end of the second month fetal is about 14-22 mm in length, weighing about 1-2 g and a third of the size of the fetal is head.

3 month (9-12 weeks)
The baby’s liver begins to excrete bile, the kidneys start to produce and excrete the urine from the body. Dandruff teeth is starting to develop. Also, external genitals begin to form, although it is still difficult to distinguish the sex of the baby using ultrasound.

Fetal development in the 9th week of pregnancy

The muscles are not yet developed, so the child’s limbs look very short and thin, but the baby moves his hands actively enough and also can bend the spine. Fetal starts swallowing the fluid around him/her. This is very important for the development of the intestine, because there are various growth factors in the gut fluid.




From the 10th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman can check for possible birth defects in a non-invasive genetic study (NSAID) “Tranquility”. This is a very accurate study that determines whether the fetus has Down syndrome or other chromosomal disorders, as well as the possibility to recognize the sex of the newborn very early. In this way, future parents can make the right decisions in time or prepare themselves properly. (R. Å emeta).

Fetal development in the 12th week of pregnancy

At the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, your baby will be fully formed. All fingers are already developed on hands and feet, and fetal can snuggle up and get fingers to bend. Developing of the neck, inner ears and nose continues.

At the end of the third month, your baby is ~ 61-64 mm in length and weighs about 9-13 g.

“After 3 months of pregnancy, where your baby’s most important developmental processes took place, the chance of miscarriage is very low.”